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Weight Loss: How Do Breasts Change With Weight Loss?

by GuoLucy 14 Mar 2023 0 Comments

Weight Loss How Do Breasts Change With Weight Loss?

The pounds are falling, the pants size shrinks by two sizes - great feeling. But the bra doesn't want to fit properly anymore...!? Not so cool! Because, unfortunately, with the waistline fat usually also the bust becomes smaller.

How much the breasts shrink with weight loss depends on how much fat was previously stored there. Because our two favorite body parts consist of glandular and connective tissue as well as fat. The proportions are different for every woman. In fact, however, it only seems to us that we lose weight first at the bust: "That's because they stand out from our body," explains the physician Dr. Angela Fitch from the University in Cincinnati, "Weight Loss Center" department, in an interview with American Women's Health. "So we notice weight loss there sooner than we do on our butt or legs. But fat doesn't have a preference for where it melts first."

Rapid weight loss - sagging bust?

Lost 30 kilos in three months, went on a crash diet - that can only lead to sagging breasts? In fact, the connective tissue does not become flabbier when we lose weight in a short time. "It depends on how much weight you've lost," says Fitch. "If it's a lot of pounds, the skin becomes softer. That's because breasts have to support more weight first, but they don't always fight gravity after weight loss." Unfortunately, the connective tissue of the bust becomes more and more saggy with age. We have the declining estrogen levels to thank for that.

This is how you can strengthen your bust again

It's true that we can't influence the parts of our body where we lose weight. Nevertheless, you can strengthen the small and large pectoral muscles and thus firm the tissue around the breast by doing specific exercises, such as push-ups. "I always recommend strength training when losing weight," Fitch explains. "Cardio promotes fat burning, and strength training boosts metabolism and promotes muscle building."

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