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What Does Your Weight Have to Do With Style Advice?

by GuoLucy 02 Sep 2023 0 Comments

What Does Your Weight Have to Do With Style Advice?

95% of all women worldwide are not satisfied with their body and sometimes even reject it. Most feel too fat and always want to lose weight. How style advice helps chubby women.

"I have to reach my target weight before the style consultation"

I hear that more often. Women, even if they often have everything - a great job, children, a good life - often feel that they need to look better in order to increase their worth. They think that weighting less, getting a facelift, or looking younger will increase their satisfaction with themselves and their lives.

Would you feel more confident with a few pounds less?

We all live in a world where looks are becoming more and more important. Internet, advertising, television and magazines show it: only slim people can be healthy and successful and that drives women from one diet to the next - and some even from one beauty treatment to the next.

We feel the expectation of being slim, beautiful, active, healthy, dynamic, disciplined and controlled to have our life under control. The thought of being "beautiful" would give us the inner permission to show more of ourselves, to meet other people calmly and openly. Do you somehow know that too?

Style advice for chubby women

When I ask my clients what they would do if they had finally reached the weight they want so badly, they often get answers like:

- I would finally wear smarter clothes
- make more of my type
- feel more self-confident
- trust myself more
- become more visible
- conduct salary negotiations more confidently
- finally say what I really think instead of keeping my mouth shut.

But why should we have to lose weight for this? Is it really true that after losing weight we suddenly have abilities that we didn't have before?
I do not think so!!!

Feedbacks after the style advice for chubby women:

Surprisingly, after the style consultation, there is a lot more feedback like:

"Dear Stefanie, now I finally feel comfortable in my body because I know how to dress much better."


"I get so many lovely compliments on my new style even though I haven't lost an ounce. But I FEEL a lot prettier and also slimmer.”


"Dear Ms. Diller, I see a completely different woman in the mirror than the one I used to be and I like the new one sooo much better! Thank you for this wonderful new attitude towards life.”


"Now I'm no longer ashamed of my presentations and I go on stage really confidently."

So why not start doing something to feel more confident now? Get everything out of your own type that underlines our beauty?

A new style, matching great clothes that make us feel good, new make-up, a new hairstyle, just a different guy.

We can practice feeling like we've already reached our desired weight!

Because if we want to be or learn something that we are not yet, it will not just appear from one day to the next.

Like many things in life, change requires a little work on your own thoughts.

It means learning and adopting a loving attitude towards yourself in order to be able to forgive mistakes and deviations.

A quick tip before style advice for chubby women

What beliefs do you have that prevent you from looking great? Many women don't take on new projects in their lives because they think others might badmouth or laugh at them.

But you can also turn the tables and resolve to stop yourself with the excuses "I can't do it because I'm too fat, I'm too old"... Or "There's nothing for me to wear anyway, it's not worth it “.

Instead: just start. Every woman has the opportunity to get the best out of herself without dieting. Clothes are your second skin!

Attractiveness is not a fixed term, but something different for every person. Be more attractive too!

In style advice for chubby women, we find out what makes you attractive.

No matter how much you weigh! It's about finding out what you're comfortable with. With your everyday challenges and what you want to look like. What does your life and everyday life look like, what kind of person are you? What is special about you? The colors, color combinations and cuts that suit you, the accessories. The silhouette that suits your figure, with which you can skilfully conceal and emphasize. Then the picture becomes a whole. Then your very own style will develop.

You have the possibility

You accept the current state and start liking your body the way it is.
The change in your clothes will have an effect on the inside through the style advice and vice versa. Why not just start wearing whatever style you love? Dress up now, take care of yourself and feel confident? Clothing can do so much for YOU! And there are these clothes, I'll show you where to buy them. Because I'm a truffle pig for plus size fashion; ).

I'm not an elf either and I go through life happily in size 44.

Does that upset anyone? No, on the contrary - I'm still booked as a professional style consultant and what's special: It attracts a lot of customers because it's authentic and you can be that too!

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