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What Is The Average Bra Size?

by GuoLucy 28 Mar 2023 0 Comments

What Is The Average Bra Size?

Everybody is always saying to me that we seem to be getting bigger - average dress size was once a twelve is now more like a 14-16. Feet are also getting bigger, gone are the days when size 5 was average - my brother is a whopping size 11.

We are getting taller and broader in the western world. So what is the average bra size that was once a 34B? Two year ago everyone seemed to be a 34D. Although many women still visit our lingerie store thinking they are - they often leave with another size.

I remember starting my shop and being advised to stock lots of 34B, 34C and 34D bras. Well if I did this now I can tell you that I would have a lot of bras sat around getting dusty and taking up valuable space.

We have collated figures nationwide from online and in our store only to find the average bra size currently stands at: 34E closely followed by 32E and 34F. Does that surprise anyone? More importantly does that mean breasts are getting bigger? Alternatively we are more aware that a bra wire is digging in and that it shouldn't so those customers have had fittings and had their size increased accordingly.

But you have to ask, are we changing as generations are born or it this as a result of changing manufacturers, standards and expected norms shifting? The fashion that dictated the way band sizes are made - the expectation of a 36 band and 26 waist that is no longer the accepted norm.

Or is it because we care more about fit these days? In my line of work, women are keen to be fitted regularly and asses changes in bra size after weight loss or gain. And women know more about this now than ever, aware of their body changes and how clothes make them feel. Was there perhaps a time when as a less educated women we would simply pick a size ourselves?

On the clothing angle many of us wear more fitted items, instead of opting for a baggy look in xtra large my hubby now wears a more snug small or medium. His size hasn't changed but that will surely affect national averages.

So what if the average is 34E and I am a 30D, rest assured whether you are a 34B, 34D or 34F you are perfect as you are!

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