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Time to Get Confident Baby

by GuoLucy 29 Jan 2023 0 Comments

love yourself and be confidence

2023 is coming up, and we're going to get confidence here.

First, I want you to create a mindset that you will buy it. You will buy this mindset when you're a business owner. You're selling a product, uh, or you're selling a service. That product and service have to be really good for you, right? You would even buy it yourself because if you bought it yourself, you could market it firmly. People are more likely to buy it and actually feel some authenticity about themselves. You have to have that mindset about yourself and look at yourself and think about I would date myself. We can be someone who is attracted to ourselves, and other people are attracted to us.

When you date yourself, you can look at someone like I date myself. I really think I'm an amazing person; other people are going to feel the same way and focus on what you can control, so your ego, your attitude towards life is, oh no, I'm a victim, or you know what, I'm going to solve the problem, I don't see the problem, I see the solution on social media, are you looking at things that make you insecure and make you compare yourself or are you looking at things that can If you're constantly eating fast food processed foods that make you feel tired and bad for yourself or if you really want to put good nutrients into your body because you care about that container, how big are your boundaries? How firm are you? How do you allow people to treat you? Do you take them seriously? You can't have boundaries and not take them seriously. If you say, for example, this is my boundary, I don't like it when you do this to me, but then that person does it. If you allow them to do it, then okay, you're not taking your boundaries seriously. So that person doesn't take your boundaries seriously either.

Don't focus on things you can't control, like your past. Your past doesn't exist. The past really doesn't exist. It's just a thought in your head. It doesn't exist, that's all, your future, you can't control your future either, we don't know what's going to happen, we can try to make the best of it. We can try to make the best of it, but we don't know what will happen at the end of the day. Other people's beliefs, other people's opinions, who cares, like it's about you? You're the protagonist of your life, so start acting like what other people say or think. You know my mom, she said this to me. She said that you can go live your life flat and let people walk all over you, and those people will start complaining that you're not flat enough. It's true, you can't control them, you can't control their beliefs, you can't control their thinking, what people think about you is none of your business, have faith. If you don't know who you are or have to define yourself, then focus on who you are, not me. For example, I know I'm not the ultimate person, so I'm the opposite. I forgive myself, I don't forget, but I forgive others. I know I'm not a lazy person. I know if I want something, I'll work for it and be disciplined. I like to educate myself, I like to learn new skills, and I like to listen to other people. What other people believe, I like to let my mind get bigger and bigger and be more and more open to new things, take a piece of paper and write down who I am not so I can become more yourself.

You can also look up shadow work questions on Pinterest Shadow work is basically trying to figure out who you are and how it relates to childhood You'll see all these questions jump out and write them down and then answer those questions for yourself so that you can connect with your creative routine see why school why we're so amazing in school is because we have a routine we wake up at a certain time and we have to go to school and then in school we have this less and then we have uh break from whatever and that's the whole routine that our life is but when we leave school we're left behind and it's like adulthood we don't know what to do so now it's up to us to decide what to do but in order to get your life in order you need to create new routines for yourself like, I wake up I like to go I like to go to yoga, um I like to walk around, I like to do gratitude meditation, I like to do my skincare, I like to give myself a bath, it's for me to have a routine, and then I also have a nighttime routine before I go to bed, so I have a routine, and when I wake up I have a meeting because it sets up a really structured day. You don't feel like doing that every day. I have times when I don't follow a routine or something happens. You can never predict how things will go, and that's okay. Still, I have a foundation of routine, so even if I don't like it, I can know what I'm going to do the next day because I have a basic routine that makes your money go up, not your funny. I don't have confidence in myself that if I don't have money, because I can't, I can't even go out with my friends, I'm not the type of person that would let my friends pay for me, and if I don't have money, I stay home because I don't want to go out.

So I saw confidence in my success, I saw confidence in the fact that I had a job, I had money, it doesn't matter what kind of job you have, it doesn't have to be your professional job, it just has to make you money. When I was 12, I would buy a whole pack of waffles and sell them door to door. I would go door to door like I was decorating, selling them for hours at a time, like knocking on every door to make money. I was always focused on creating wealth for myself. At the end of the day, I was very accomplished. Thank God I did everything I wanted to do. I could walk with confidence because I was really proud of myself. I had confidence in myself and my abilities because I could see the lizard. You can do anything. I could accomplish it because I had the drive, the will, and the art of communication.

Communication is one of the biggest reasons why people can be confident, and people can be successful. How you talk to people is very important because you can imprint on them. You can leave an imprint on them, you never know who you're talking to and that can be someone who can change your uh life overnight because people always focus on the external, like physical appearance, which is also important, I'm not saying it's not important, but the body can only get you so far and the way you talk to people and the way you make people feel when they talk to you is a big positive thing, something that will get you far in life, and I remember um, I used to talk to my neighbor when I lived in a country where I grew up, and I was just talking to her, I had never talked to her before, and she stopped me at the end of my conversation and she said, "You really should do something with communication because the way you talk is so crazy , like really, you should do a career related to communication and until then, I guess I don't know what I want to do, like I want to do YouTube or something like that, you know, I'm like oh well, my communication is very applied and important in all aspects of life, your relationship, everybody in the long term if you can't communicate properly with your partner, that relationship isn't going to last, and you should learn how to communicate with people. 《The Art of Relationships 》and the other one is 《How to Win Friends and Influence People》, both are great books about communication and how you can learn to communicate better. Literally, you can learn all the books you want, you can gain all the knowledge you want, but at the end of the day, if you don't deal with people if you don't deal with different types of people and talk to them, you can't put that into practice, and you'll fail. But you also learn, like, well, with this person, I have to do this because, in life, we have to be a little bit like chameleons. You can't be the same way with everybody because it won't be accepted. You know people have different cultures and beliefs, so what do you say to someone very open, for example? It's not that you're not true to yourself, but there should be some respect for other people and their beliefs. When you go out and talk to a lot of people, you learn a lot, not only about them but also about yourself, in how you react to them and how you communicate with them.

It's a practice to start putting on glasses and looking people in the eye, why basically when I was growing up, I was always told to look down, always thought to look down, so that was in the back of my mind more and more, I always had to look down, now listen, if you're in a business environment, or if you're talking you're going to look insecure, if you look down, you can't look that person in the eye. It's crazy, it's like a killer, so what you need to do is start wearing glasses outside so that they're like I have really dark glasses and I'll wear them and I start looking at people as they walk by and I start looking them in the eye and obviously they can't see that I'm looking at them so I feel more comfortable, um, by practicing this I actually start feeling more comfortable looking at people once I'm in talking in meetings, so um, this thing really helped me put my glasses on and start looking people in the eye and doing things that you feel disgusting or uncomfortable doing in public, basically I felt very, I used to feel very disgusting g, like recording Tick Tock videos while I was walking outside or whatever, I would like immediately get ashamed, but I started you know what, let's just do it, if you want words, you can dye it red, it doesn't matter, you can go ahead because then you're educating yourself, it's okay, it's not a big deal, at the end of the day, those people don't care, they're not looking at you, the more you do it the more you do it, the less uncomfortable you're going to be, the problem is your body language, make sure you like look up, look up, it's important, shoulders back, but it doesn't have to be too crazy But make sure you don't walk like this, you know, look at this, how does this look, not confident.

Look at how I stand up, chest up, shoulders back, you talk like this, talk with your hands, make sure you're not afraid to occupy the room where you're walking, don't look at your phone all the time, take your phone away, look around, start walking with your head up. When you enter a room, don't look at your phone. When you enter a room, don't look down, don't look like you're hiding, don't open the door, enter the room, look around and say, hey, can I have a table? I'm so delusional? Listen, if you could get into my mind and see what I think I can accomplish on my own, you'd call me crazy today. Still, those who used to say I'm crazy because of what I have now are saying I'm crazy because of what I have now are saying, oh, she really did it, so when you're delusional. You really believe in what you want to do, and it has to be a good thing; I'm not talking about doing bad things and becoming delusional. I'm not talking about doing bad things and becoming delusional about it. No, no, you have to set a good goal for yourself. You're so delusional, you know what, I'm going to achieve this goal no matter what, you're going to achieve this goal because that's the energy that you're giving off, that you're manifesting, that you're telling yourself.

Our brain is the most powerful thing and what you believe about yourself is going to be your reality and even what you think about yourself is going to affect what other people think about your reality because I notice when I go out there and I look at myself and oh damn, I look good today and I'm really happy with the way I look and other people start complimenting me a lot but when I have a day where I just don't feel good, I don't really feel good and I just want you know in my little shell but I still have to go out and I can see that people's reactions are totally different and literally the way you see yourself affects other people's reality too and listening to meditation affirmations, um, makes you feel confident and I do that when I'm doing skincare or something and I have an affirmation, um or meditation or something that I'm like, I'll put it under , basically it's like constantly saying, you're beautiful and stuff like that, but it doesn't matter because you can see, oh no, it's toxic positivity, you're training your brain to constantly listen to something and if If I constantly listen to something that says to me I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, listen, I'll believe that I'm beautiful just because I'm constantly listening to them, it's the same thing if I keep listening to meditations or affirmations that say I'm ugly, I'll start to believe that too, so the brain is wired to believe the negative instead of the positive, so we've told ourselves, uh, what's wrong with us, so refresh your brain and listen to something that really lifts you up, and also, when you walk around, put on music that makes you feel confident, or even if you wake up in the morning, put on something that makes you feel confident music, stand in front of the mirror and start dancing, you know, that also raises your vibration so you become more attractive immediately, um, it just makes you feel comfortable with yourself so even when you're walking listen to, if I just um like put on a badass song, I'm walking, honey, I feel like I really those streets are created by me let's start making decisions that are best for you confident people do what's best for them people don't even, they're not selfish, they always know their needs have to come first because they know they're the most important person in their life.

I had a friend who was very, very rich, really, really rich, and I was invited to dinner once. There were a few people there, and there was a producer there. This producer kept talking to my friend, oh yeah, and there was this project, Lava, constantly trying to impress my friend. It went on for 30 minutes, and I felt bad for this producer, so I started saying to him, yes, I was interested because my friend didn't react at all, nothing. Then after the guy finished, I swear my friend didn't say a word to him, he finished, it was 30 minutes later and he looked at him. He said I'm not talking business after 5pm. He just went on with his dinner. I was so shocked because I'm really like, oh my god, he doesn't accept anybody crossing his boundaries, and that's honestly why this man is so successful, even in the way you eat, what you choose to put in your body, what you choose to look at, every time you choose to do something, it's a decision, you decide what's best for you and you start making those decisions and because then you start to believe in yourself more. If you make the right decisions, you also become more confident in yourself and see, the comparison believes, that you can't have it.

Well, listen, I've never really been a jealous person. Suppose somebody gets successful or somebody likes to have something. In that case, I always look at that as motivation because I look at it. I think, oh my God, so I can do it too. If they can do it, I can do it too. If that person had something at that age, it was their destiny and what you have now is your destiny. It would be best to create peace about that and not focus on what they have. Focus on what you have, believe you can accomplish that, and believe you deserve it. For example, you can look on Pinterest for different aesthetics and choose the one that best matches your temperament. Confidence is feeling good about yourself, that you don't have to create this false aesthetic, you don't feel comfortable with. Sometimes I don't feel comfortable wearing dresses or these things myself. If I don't feel comfortable, other people will see it. I look quite insecure because I But there are times when I'm comfortable, so I do choose that aesthetic, so start thinking about what is my temperament, what is my aesthetic, and Don't force yourself to wear something that you don't like because it will show that you're forcing yourself. You're not being true to yourself.

Suppose you like a deeper style, like a moody aesthetic. In that case, that's cool, too, if you're confident about that. Besides all the aesthetics, it's very important to keep yourself clean and groomed, make sure your hair is clean, make sure you take care of your skin and make sure you take care of your body. All those things are important, make sure you have your dental checkups, make sure you go to the hospital when there's something that is not right, and makes sure you keep your health and well-being. Because that's one of the most important things, health comes from the inside, and beauty comes from the outside. Sometimes you might be insecure because you think I'm not getting enough attention or anything. It is the environment that you live in. I know many women who have moved to other countries and are shocked by how beautiful they find themselves in other countries. You know, I've had the same experience as obviously, um, I'm a really attractive person. Still, some people are more shocked, but others are shocked by my attractiveness. Probably people in other countries look at me. I think, wow, and then I can go somewhere else, for example, where they have different beauty standards, and I'm not as attractive.

There's always going to be somebody smarter than me, funnier than me, better at everything, but they're not me, and that's it. That's enough for me. I am who I am. There are things I can't fix, things I don't like, or things I like, like, you know, I'd rather it didn't exist, but I accept it anyway because I can do what I can't. Even if you have plastic surgery, you can't change certain things like genetics and other things so get used to that and realize that you're never going to be perfect, no one is perfect and in fact it's exhausting to keep chasing something that doesn't exist and stop thinking, oh perfection exists, it doesn't, there was even a model and she was talking about the fact that she was already very pretty like on camera and stuff , she said the way they edited my picture, like um the way they posted it was crazy and I literally cried about how they posted my picture because they totally edited everything and it didn't even look like me anymore and that's why we get a false impression of what we're supposed to look like but no one looks like that and it's uncomfortable and it's like it doesn't exist and it also makes your body to become cultured, like I took a belly dance class and oh my god, I've never felt more comfortable in my body, I don't know what it is, but it's like this energy and the way you move your body, it feels so good, so comfortable, you walk out of there and feel very confident in yourself.

I heard a doctor say that yoga is one of the best trauma survivors can do. After all, they see that it works better for abuse survivors because they learn to trust their bodies again and they can see how their bodies move; yoga has breathing exercises, and it calms them down, and yoga is very, very good and very good for balancing themselves and being uncomfortable from the inside out. Now people don't want to be with themselves. They're constantly honest. I'm a quiet person and need time to myself. I even tell my partner, please leave me alone. I want to be alone, maybe with my cat or something else. But obviously, don't go to extremes because when you're alone, you isolate yourself. You don't know how to deal with people or socialize, which makes you more insecure because when you're in social situations, you have anxiety. You don't know how to talk to people. You're so beautiful, you're so smart, you're so attractive, oh, I love your aura, treat yourself like you would treat someone you love, sometimes I buy myself flowers, sometimes I buy myself gifts, um, I love that, don't sit with people who constantly disrespect you, um, I used to do that, I used to always push it away and say, oh, they don't mean that, whatever How about that because when you really get your voice hurt and you say, like, listen, when you do something really big and you say, hey listen I don't like it when you do that to me, then they're going to call you you're too emotional because you let all these things go before and you continue to deal with them and once they disrespect you, I'm not saying after one little thing you blow up and you leave, no, but If there's continued disrespect and continued manipulation and this person tells you I'll change, I'll do this, but the actions don't match what they say, then you leave, you don't sit somewhere or somebody disrespects you, you don't, it's a very, it's a very low ego sign.

Because you can say, I don't care. Still, you're saying I don't care about myself, don't be easily offended or threatened. I'm the kind of person that I don't like to be disrespected. Still, I'm also not the kind of person that will be constantly offended by anything. Oh, you have to walk around, no, I'm cool, you know, but I have my boundaries. You don't cross my boundaries or be easily threatened, honey. No one could threaten you if you knew who you were and if you knew what you were capable of. What would you do? Who are you? Do you think I'm scared?
No honey, sit down and give someone space. If someone says look, I don't want to hang out with you today, or even your boyfriend says, look, I need some space, whatever, don't freak out right away. I'm like, oh my god, why is that Lava? No, sometimes people like to be alone. They need their space to collect their thoughts. We're still separate individuals. Even if you're in a relationship, give people some space. If you're in a relationship, give people space too, because if you're going to hold on to it, like why why why it looks desperate, now say okay, have your space, do whatever, you go do your own thing, have your own space, and then realize that you're the protagonist of your life. If I'm even going to think about my sister, my other siblings, or my mom, they also have their own lives that don't revolve around me. I'm shocked because it's literally all about me in my head, but then sometimes I sit back, and I think, wait, they think about themselves that way too, like in their head, they think about their own lives too. But I realized that you're the protagonist in your life, so start acting like it, do what's best for you, be with the people who want what's best for you, and start taking the opportunities that are best for you because at the end of the day, you're the protagonist in your life and you're living your life.

I have expectations of other people and myself. I apologize for that Listen, if you want something in a partner, if you want something in a friend, if you want a boss or a job or anything, Well, you can have expectations. You can ask for things; don't let these people manipulate you into thinking that you're asking for too much. No, you're not asking for too much. You're asking for the wrong people. Also, have expectations of yourself and say, hey Liz, like Liz, I wish you were this, I wish you did this, blah blah blah people can say, oh no, that's being too hard on yourself. No, I wish there was what I would do if I didn't have expectations, I would do nothing, so really write it down and think about what you expect of yourself, what you wish you were, what you wish you appeared where you want to be, what you want your behavior to be, and start doing gratitude meditations, so I've been doing that. I've been doing this meditation every morning for the past month, it's a five-minute meditation, and I also link this meditation to the following, which is in the morning, I sit down and I just think about how my body is serving me, because that's what she says in the meditation, and it really makes me feel very grateful, grateful that people can look at what they have, and how abundant they are. In that state, you can attract more wealth and realize that you create your own reality, and whatever you think you deserve or whatever you think you can have, you're attracted to. That's it. If you think you don't deserve a good relationship, if you think you don't deserve money if you think you don't deserve beautiful confidence, all those things you're not going to have, you're not going to have at all because you create your own reality and whatever you want will happen because you'll create that for yourself and do what you can with what you have now and don't think oh I don't have this, I don't Start focusing on what you have and taking what you have to the next level, as you can really create from nothing out of nothing.

There are billionaires today coming out of homelessness. These people aren't complaining; they are actually doing what they can with what they have, and that's how you become successful. That's how you become successful. That's how you become confident. Instead of constantly complaining, look at your situation and be like, okay, this is what's going on, this is my situation, this is what I can do to fix it or create peace with them, and you realize what a blessing you are and start talking and walking like a blessing because you imagine when you're old. You look back at your younger time and think, oh my God, why was I so insecure, like everything I ever had? Why was I so insecure? It's so sad. Live your best life now, enjoy it, and do stupid things. Sometimes you have such bad days but enjoy them too. When you get older, you can look back on your life and at least make sure you look back on a worthwhile life and look back on it and say, yes, I was that girl, I was that girl, I love you guys so much anyway, and I hope you learned something.

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