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Self-Love – Loving Yourself

by GuoLucy 07 May 2024 0 Comments


Loving Yourself

Self-love, or as it’s often borrowed from English, “Selflove,” is a powerful concept frequently discussed on social media. At Okay Trendy, we’ve incorporated it into one of our core values: “Selflove & Diversity.” Our aim is to empower women, enhance their self-image, and help them appreciate and love themselves even more. But what exactly is self-love?

What Does It Mean to Love Yourself?

To understand self-love, think about the love you feel for someone dear to you. It’s a pure, unconditional love that accepts all their quirks, perceived flaws, moods, and imperfections. Despite occasional annoyances, these aspects don’t prevent you from wholeheartedly loving that person. Self-love is similar: accepting and loving yourself just as you are. The journey to self-love can be challenging and a lifelong task, but it’s worth it. People who truly love themselves find relief from societal pressures and gain acceptance and love from others. It’s like stepping onto a playground of self-exploration and discovery.

How Can You Love Yourself?

The expectations we place on ourselves are often incredibly high. In a world of flawless beauty portrayed on social media, in magazines, and in film and television, it’s sometimes difficult to love and accept ourselves. Everyone seems to have flawless skin, the perfect body, or an ideal life. When we compare ourselves to this perceived perfection, we may feel small and wonder, “How can I love myself?” Our advice: avoid comparing yourself to others. Behind the glamour lies more illusion than reality. Remember that social platforms showcase only the beautiful, exciting, and extraordinary moments, often edited and filtered. If you find that the world of influencers and celebrities negatively affects you, take a step back. Put down your phone and focus on your own life. What do you need? What can you do for yourself?

Loving yourself means giving yourself love. It involves dissolving negative thought patterns, reducing self-criticism, and becoming more mindful of your thoughts and actions. The first step is self-acceptance: recognizing and embracing who you truly are. Respect your body, make peace with yourself, and prioritize your needs.

Selflove & Diversity – Our Values

At Okay Trendy, we want women to learn and embrace self-love. That’s why we’ve included “Selflove & Diversity” as one of our core values. To boost our customers’ and followers’ self-image, we believe in showing women as they truly are. We say “yes” to imperfections, laugh lines, and diversity, and we firmly reject retouching and unrealistic beauty standards. These so-called “flaws” make us unique and beautiful. Each woman is exceptional in appearance and personality. Celebrating and promoting this diversity is close to our hearts. 

Self-Love Exercises

  1. Look in the Mirror: Instead of searching for flaws, take a moment to look in the mirror and appreciate what’s beautiful about you. Notice the laugh lines from all the joy, the sparkle in your eyes, your soft hair, that cute birthmark, lovely fingernails, an open smile, and warm hands. Create a list of all the wonderful things that make you unique. You can revisit this list whenever you’re feeling down. And as you gaze at your reflection, remember that you’re the result of thousands of people who have loved and lived. You are a testament to love.

  2. Set Boundaries: Free yourself from the need to please everyone. Focus on your well-being. Explore where your boundaries lie and learn to defend them. Understand what nourishes you, and recognize that saying “no” or setting boundaries won’t make a loved one stop caring about you.

  3. Embrace Your Feelings: All emotions are valid, even the negative ones. Learn to accept and understand them, offering them love. When you give your feelings a safe space and tend to them with care, you’re also giving yourself a piece of that love.

  4. Practice Gratitude: Concentrate on the things you’re grateful for, no matter how big or small. Whether it’s passing an exam, feeling the first rays of spring sunshine, spotting a single tulip by the roadside, enjoying tasty breakfast bread, or simply surviving a challenging day—acknowledge these positive aspects. As you consciously list these moments, your thought patterns gradually shift. So, what are you grateful for today?

  5. Forgiveness: Let go and live in the present. Banish old ghosts from the past, perhaps seeking help if needed. Only by releasing the past or finding a way to cope with your experiences can you move more freely into the future. Forgiveness is an act of self-love, including forgiving yourself. From the heart, grant yourself forgiveness.

And to sweeten your mirror reflection a little more, we’ve curated a selection of beautiful, flattering lingerie pieces that can boost your self-confidence. From romantic to classic to sultry, go ahead and treat yourself! 

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