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No Bra! 5 Reasons Why Going Braless Is Healthier

by GuoLucy 04 Oct 2023 0 Comments

No Bra! 5 Reasons Why Going Braless Is Healthier

Not many women dare to go braless. Yet, it's not just liberating but also beneficial for your health, as a study has shown. Here are 5 good reasons to skip the bra.


Preventing Saggy Breasts Without a Bra

One would think that bras provide support and prevent saggy breasts. However, it's quite the opposite! According to a study by a French sports physician, the breast tissue and muscles develop better when women avoid wearing bras. The study suggests that breasts maintain a more upright position when women refrain from wearing bras, especially from a young age.

No Bra to Fight Back Pain

Do bras really help prevent back pain? Not necessarily! If well-endowed women wear the wrong bra, the weight is shifted to the bra straps and consequently to the shoulders. This weight redistribution can actually lead to back pain! It's better to skip the bra, even for larger breasts.

No Bra for Better Circulation, Skin, and Breathing

Bras can be constricting, both for the ribcage and the lymphatic system, as well as blood vessels. This can potentially lead to bruises and breathing issues. Additionally, in the summer, sweating under and between the breasts becomes a concern. Bras trap sweat, which can lead to the development of bacteria and even acne on sensitive skin. It's better to give your breast skin more oxygen and ditch the bra.

No Bra for an Improved Posture

Without a bra, many women naturally adopt a better posture. The "No Bra" effect is similar to the "High Heel" effect. Improved posture boosts self-confidence and can also prevent or alleviate back pain. So, take off that bra and stand tall!

No Bra for a Free Mind

Living without a bra feels liberating. The confinement disappears, both on your body and in your mind. If you constantly worry about "what others might think," you should definitely give the braless experiment a try. Once you get used to this newfound freedom, you won't want to go back!

How to Get Used to Going Braless?

If you feel uncomfortable going braless all of a sudden, take it slow. Start by going braless at home and gradually extend it to visiting friends or going to the supermarket.

When Should You Not Skip the Bra?

Of course, there are situations where you shouldn't skip the bra from a health perspective, such as during sports or during and shortly after pregnancy. In those cases, your breasts may benefit from a little support.

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