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7 Avoidable Mistakes That Make Our Breasts Sag

by GuoLucy 25 Oct 2023 0 Comments

women with  Breasts Sag

Do your breasts tend to sag? By avoiding these 7 common mistakes, you can prevent sagging breasts.

When Do Breasts Sag?

Because the reasons for sagging breasts vary from woman to woman, there is no fixed time when your breasts decide to hang a little. However, there are three stages that a doctor, depending on the degree of breast sag, classifies as mastoptosis.

Mild Sagging: The nipples remain perky or have only subtly drooped, and there is hardly any excess skin.

Moderate Sagging: The nipples noticeably hang lower, the breast gland is reduced, and there is significantly more excess skin.

Severe Sagging: The nipples hang below the breast fold, the connective tissue is extremely loose, and excess skin is prominent.

What Causes Sagging Breasts?

The most common reason for sagging breasts is the natural aging process. As we age, our connective tissue loses firmness, causing our skin, including our breasts, to sag.

However, even at a young age, you can develop sagging breasts. This is a normal breast shape and can be genetically inherited.

Significant weight fluctuations can also lead to sagging breasts. Losing a substantial amount of weight may reduce fat cells in the breasts, but the connective tissue may not fully retract, resulting in excess skin.

Regardless of your body weight, larger breasts are more prone to sagging because the heavy fat cells pull the breasts downward. However, if you have strong connective tissue, you can avoid sagging with a large bust.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding also affect your breasts. During pregnancy, your weight fluctuates significantly, and your breasts undergo changes. The connective tissue and skin are stretched during breastfeeding, often resulting in sagging breasts.

7 Avoidable Mistakes That Cause Breasts to Sag

If your sagging breasts are not genetically determined, you can take steps to prevent them through targeted exercises to strengthen your breast muscles and connective tissue. Avoid these 7 mistakes if you want to prevent sagging breasts.

You Wear the Wrong Bra

Eighty percent of women wear the wrong bra size, which has more significant consequences than we previously thought. Wearing the wrong bra can cause the breast straps to retract, leading to loss of shape and sagging. However, going braless is not a solution. A bra supports our breasts and helps fight gravity by assisting the connective tissue. Therefore, it's worth getting professionally fitted and measured for your next bra purchase.

You Smoke

We all know that smoking is unhealthy, but it may sound strange that it can make your breasts sag. However, it's true. Smoking damages the skin. Carcinogens in smoke are absorbed through the skin, leading to elastin breakdown. Elastin is a fiber that makes our skin elastic, and it's also found around our breasts. Smoking-induced elastin degradation makes sagging breasts more likely over time.

You Don't Drink Enough Orange Juice

Your breasts also need vitamin C and B to support your body in building elastic tissue and collagen. So, have a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice more often to prevent sagging breasts.

You Don't Wear a Sports Bra

Exercise is good and healthy, but it can be stressful on breast tissue. Especially in sports with a lot of running (not just jogging), make sure you wear a good sports bra that provides adequate support. Your breasts should only have minimal movement while running. We've tested some sports bras and summarized the results for you.

You can also give your breast tissue a break by changing your sports activities. For example, swimming is gentle on your connective tissue and helps tone your chest muscles, providing a natural breast lift.

You Don't Care for Your Breasts Enough

If you moisturize your face and body, don't forget to apply lotion to your décolletage and breasts. These areas also need extra moisture and care to preserve breast elasticity.

You Don't Protect Them from the Sun

Adequate sun protection prevents the skin on your breasts from drying out and getting damaged, which can weaken it. It's best to avoid direct sun exposure to keep your skin firm and prevent breast sagging. When you show a lot of skin or sunbathe in the summer, always apply sunscreen, even if you think the sun won't be too strong. UV rays are still present and harmful to your skin.

You Don't Eat Right

To avoid sagging breasts, it's recommended to focus on foods with secondary plant compounds. These compounds are found in whole grains and nuts and promote connective tissue elasticity and strength. Foods like carrots, tomatoes, pomegranates, cauliflower, and green vegetables also contain these compounds and can help prevent sagging breasts.

By avoiding these mistakes in your daily life, you can prevent potential breast sagging. But always remember, a beautiful breast is not just about firmness!

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